Monday, December 1, 2008

God And Guns

As alluded to in a previous post, I’m admittedly not the most spiritual person in the world. Nonetheless, I support any faith that genuinely encourages peace.

I am not a present or future gun owner but I respect the spirit of the Second Amendment. I do think a “happy medium” should be found between responsible gun owners and those who would abuse the system for personal gain.

What I can’t understand is how some people can be so fervent about both their religion and their gun rights. It is one thing to be, say, a gun owner who believes in God but shows up infrequently in the pews… or perhaps a church deacon who carries protection to negotiate his or her way through a troubled neighborhood in order to serve the parishioners. But for someone to be as enthusiastic about God as they are about guns seems so contradictory to me. The obviously radical al-Qaeda killed over three thousand people in the name of Allah. Yet many people consider the military that we sent over to defeat them to be fighting “for God and country”.

Given all of this, I just have to ask: “What would Jesus do?”

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