Monday, January 19, 2009

Those who have heard what might seem to be constant criticism of conservative policies and Republican politicians that I feel that progressive and liberal views are superior and that Democrats are practically perfect in every way. Well that’s not true.

Okay, progressive views are “superior” LOL but conservative views certainly have their place and can provide a healthy counterbalance. When I came of age in Pennsylvania, I was required to pick a party in order to participate in the primary elections. Naturally (for me) I chose the Democrats. When I arrived in Virginia, I was actually glad to find out that the state allows voters to participate in both major primaries without declaring a party. While I’ve considered volunteering for Democratic campaigns in the past, I would not be interested at this point as I no longer consider myself to be a Democrat but simply a generally progressive/liberal-minded person with an occasional nod or two to the center-righton fiscal issues.

Politicians on both the right and left have had their share of misuse of power and overall scandal. Enough embarrassing situations have happened to individuals in both parties that one could essentially call it a draw.

Growing up in the Philadelphia area, where one-party Democratic control of city government was the rule, I saw how entrenched policies and politicians could stymie potential. I think the City Council would actually benefit from more GOP voices – or at least “Blue Dog” Democrats – to keep things more honest there. For my part, regular readers might recall that I voted for GOP Mayoral candidate Sam Katz when he last ran for the office in 2003.

Even here in Fairfax County, an affluent left-leaning area touted for its seemingly harmonious diversity and international culture, more than a few in the higher-income brackets turn into NIMBYs as they purposely avoid or attempt to restrict those of lower socioeconomic means from living in the same neighborhood and being educated in the same schools.

So I recognize that the Democratic Party is far from perfect. But as my views tend to hew closer to their platform, I’ll continue to support them while learning to respect and find common ground with the Republican Party.

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