Sunday, February 22, 2009

W Got A Job Offer!

He could use the help with his resume, that's for sure...

Plus-Size Cover Girl

I thought this might be a good place to discuss articles I find about size acceptance issues... especially since I get virtually no response to similar topics I post in fat-friendly forums.

Cathy came across this article about a plus-size British singer named Beth Ditto who posed nude for the cover of a British fashion magazine that aspires to target people with "realistic" bodies.

While this isn't the first time a lady of size has made a cover - Oprah has the record for most consecutive appearances by default - it is the first "nude" cover I recall that didn't have even more adult content inside. We looked for the magazine at both Borders and Barnes & Noble with no success. Upon further research at home, we discovered that it was a British-based publication that just came out last week. It sounds like something I'll have to look for in an independent bookstore somewhere in DC. So I'll be doing some research during lunch or after work sometime this week.


Yes, I've posted a flurry of blogs today. As regular readers know too well, it's been hectic times here at Casa Del Antonio y Caterina. So now that we have a moment to catch our breath, I'm taknig advantage of it by catching up on sharing my thoughts with my adoring audience". :)

The Top Presidents

Some notables:

1. Abraham Lincoln

2. George Washington

10. Ronald Reagan

15. Bill Clinton

18. George H.W. Bush

22. Gerald Ford

25. Jimmy Carter

36. George W. Bush

I Agree With Bush!

Shocking as it may seem, I actually agree with former President Bush on this one:

And for the record, I believe Clinton should not have pardoned Marc Rich either.

Stimulating Conversation

And so the financial stimulus package has passed at a slightly slimmer $787 billion price tag than the $800 billion previously proposed by President Obama. I’m optimistic that it will indeed help to create jobs in the industries that are purported to help the infrastructure of our country (e.g. transportation, alternative energy). I also think that the tax cut portion is a good idea. Of course, I’m going by the assumption that the administration is discarding the “trickle down” method in favor of a “flow up” method. Recent stories of corporate executive excess would seem to warrant an opportunity for the mass of lower-to-middle income households to make their own decisions rather than rely on the would-be wisdom and benevolence of the relative few in the upper-class.

And for the record, I agree that Tom Daschle and Nancy Killefer were wise to withdraw their nominations for Health & Human Services Secretary and Chief Performance Officer, respectively, for not paying their taxes in a timely manner. I’ll even go as far to say that the irony of supposed financial wizard Tim Geithner should have been dismissed from consideration as Treasury Secretary for not taking care of his own tax obligations. This has certainly given an early blemish to the Obama administration.

Breaking Wind

The irony of Friday February 6th was that while it was a very sad day for my lady Cathy’s family, I actually received good news about a three-month “consulting” (i.e. temporary) assignment for a client in downtown DC. Interestingly enough, the client is a trade association that deals with wind energy... and not the kind that Cathy exudes in her sleep! (LOL Just kidding.) Back when electric utility choice was introduced in Pennsylvania, I chose to switch to a company who used wind power. However, when their rates jumped dramatically a year later from the slight premium I was willing to pay, I jumped back to the default utility.

Anyway, back to the job. I impressed my supervisor right away in finishing my first task in the first day. I had apparently accomplished more in the five hours I worked - they asked me to come in at 11:00 to start – than either of the two previous temps who were subsequently let go. Later tasks have become somewhat more challenging but I seem to continue to meet expectations.

One thing I noticed immediately is not only the newness of the office but the many yet-to-be-occupied cubicles and offices. I also knew that the Obama administration was planning to support and encourage alternative energy sources. So I figured that the company was definitely in expansion mode. A field visit from my recruiter confirmed my thoughts as she recommended that I “treat every day as if it were an interview”. My supervisor even admitted that if she had her druthers, she would like to get permanent help with her overabundance of work. So I think she may consider my time there as an audition as well.

The aforementioned recruiter also spent some time with the two other “consultants” in my department. One of them is an affable guy with a Vietnamese surname who seems all but hired. To wit, he is the only temp with a nameplate, albeit made out of paper. With his sensitive lilt to his voice, I’m tempted to nickname him “Geico” after the Asian restaurant owner in the “wad of money” commercial. Since Cathy and I may be the only ones to find that funny, I will instead honor his heritage and re-christen him Ho Chi Minh.

The other temp is a black guy whom I thought by his appearance that I would vibe with on a “nerd” level. However, he was all-business. If he wasn’t talking to his own supervisor, his conversation was pretty limited. For the first several mornings, he didn’t even acknowledge me. Once he even walked by and averted my gaze. He finally broke the ice one day by asking what kinds of assignments I was doing. My cynical side thought he might have been comparing our responsibilities to see how he can position himself better for a permanent position. I do have to give him credit though for providing me with a time card last week when I forgot mine. Still, he will be known from this day forward as Robocop.

Out of the full-time employees, there is one guy that stands out for his own unique personality trait. By his appearance, you’d think he might make a good stunt double for Curly from the Three Stooges… except when you hear him talk, he sounds like the overnight host of the Quiet Storm show on some R&B station. Even the black ladies in the department find him amusing. So of course I call him White Chocolate. It was sure confusing for the first few days as the high cubicles made it hard to tell if it was White Chocolate or Robocop speaking.

A full-time return to accounting isn’t exactly a thrilling idea for me but I do have to be realistic that my other career interests will not provide the consistency let alone income that I need to make. If anything, the ability to save for tuition to get my Master’s in Library Science would be my main motivator. But I have to remind myself not to get too comfortable or nervous – just to stay focused on accomplishing my assignment goals and letting the chips fall where they may later in the spring. In the meantime, I anticipate more interesting stories from the field which I will look forward to sharing here.

Monday, February 9, 2009

No More Excuses

In the weeks following the elections and especially after the Inauguration, I’ve read a lot of political forum posts as newspaper article comments online whose general sentiment was that with the ascendancy of President Barack Obama African-Americans and other minorities have no more excuses about being held back or marginalized in achieving their goals.

And you know what? They’re right.

President Obama should be an inspiration to minorities that with hard work and determination, one can overcome one’s socioeconomic circumstances to live out their dreams. So-called welfare queens and kings should not look to The Source and Slam for role models so much as Ebony, Essence, Jet and especially Black Enterprise.

On the other hand, it is also time for the old boy network to, paraphrasing President Reagan, “tear town this wall” and officially dismantle the remnants of the glass ceiling. President Obama’s success as well as the excitement over both Senator Hillary Clinton and Governor Sarah Palin shows that the vast majority of Americans are comfortable with the idea of women and minorities in positions of power.

Of course, a gap in educational resources in poorer minority communities still exists. And there is a real shortage of qualified minorities for many occupations that should not be filled with marginal candidates. But these related issues should and hopefully will be given more attention by the current and future administrations.

In the meantime, there is no excuse to deny the vast majority women access to any career for which they can prove to be qualified. Perhaps the biggest sea change will be how families adjust responsibility when more women become the breadwinners. Ideally, “supermoms” will become an anachronism as their husbands are more socially accepted as primary caretakers and/or domestic engineers.

A Simple Solution To A Complex Problem

Sign me up! Where does the line form...?