Monday, March 2, 2009

Breaking Wind Part Two

As I sit here waiting for 8:00am to arrive so I can find out if/when my client is opening today in light of the continuing snowstorm - BTW did I ever mention how much I hate winter...? - I thought this would be a good time to give an update on how things are going there.

I'm actually hanging in there pretty well. My immediate supervisor, a thirtysomething African-American lady, is friendly enough but also means business. I think her attitude could be summed up best as: "I'm glad you're here, my brother, but we got work to do and if you can't do it, I'll cut you as soon as I did the two people that came before you."

I've also come to realize again something I learned the easy way in high school and the hard way in college. The less responsibilities I'm given, the better I tend to do at them. I have given perhaps a half dozen types of tasks to do and while some may be moderately complex and/or time-consuming, I've been able to accomplish them all. While I understood the necessity of taking on other tasks following the downsizing at my last job, I was never able to maintain my efficiency, to say the least.

It's still too early to say where I might fit in the company's future plans, if it all. But the future seems to be looking bright for my fellow consultant Ho Chi Minh. When a department meeting was called, he was included while Robocop and I were not. That's fine with me as I've always needed a Mountain Dew (Code Red, of course) in each hand in order to stay awake in meetings. Nonetheless, it would seem that the only thing keeping Ho from officially joining the staff is the signature of whomever approves the salary budget.

Meanwhile, Robocop continues to stay focused. But he does say Good morning more often. And I actually saw him smile!

All in all, I'd still rather be getting my foot in the door at the library... but given the economic reality of things, there are certainly worse places I could be than at this joint.

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