Friday, November 14, 2008

I Feel Your Pain

To those who are dismayed about the advent of a Democratic President presiding over a Democratic Senate and House, I have to say, in the words of Bill Clinton, I feel your pain.

In fact, I felt it for six years when President Bush held sway over not only a Republican legislative branch but also established a conservative majority in the Supreme Court.

It would be "easy" for me to say that conservatives had their moment in the sun and blew it... but instead, I'm actually nervous.

I'm nervous that the Democrats will see the history of 2001-2007 and doom themselves to repeat it.

As much I as I'd like to see a progressive agenda in the White House, I'm afraid that Barack Obama will overreach and demand that Congress move in lock step with him... just like George W. Bush.

I'm concerned that Joe Biden, using Dick Cheney as a template, will stretch the legal authority of the office of Vice-President even further. As fond as Joe is of Amtrak and other transit, will he have a "Secret Transportation Policy" conference a la Cheney's Energy meetings?

Will Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid invoke the uncompromising spirits of Dennis Hastert and Trent Lott, respectively?

Will the Democratic Senate and House demand "up and down" votes against which it will be the GOP members who will find themselves using a filibuster?

Only time will tell. I truly hope that Obama is successful in accomplishing the commonly agreed upon issues on his agenda so that 2010 doesn't bring a return of the a GOP Congressional majority... and the gridlock of the past two years.

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