Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Canine Chronicles Vol.1

(Editor's Note: I'm a little late with this series of blogs but the aforementioned job assignment literally drained the life out of me. But anywho...)

Two of the living legacies of Cathy's dearly departed Aunt Beth were our houseguests for six weeks of fun and games. Our cats, being the hospitable felines they were, conceded all but the back of the master bedroom closet and sometimes the guest room bed to the dogs so they could maximize their comfort zone. Between the warm reception I was receiving at work and the cute antics of these critters, excitement was always just around the corner. In fact, it usually was.

Here is Case Study #1:

aka Toto, Benji, Lil' Scrappy, McScruffy and @#$^%!
We discovered recently that this little guy is a Chihuahua-Yorkie mix... or, as we like to call him, a "Chihuakie" (Chee-WAH-kee)... not to be confused with a town in Wisconsin. ;) Don't let the innocent look fool you. He's never met a trash can he hasn't bonded with. But he is an aspiring optometrist as he will literally get "eye-to-eye" with you. Also when taking him for a walk, he is the one more likely to walk in a sensible direction (i.e. not wrap himself around a pole).

1 comment:

Janie said...

I have cleaned up 10+ chewed up diapers, shitty ones included to attest to his trash likings